Saturday, November 2, 2013

Happy Halloween from Santa Cruz Beach in 2013 , our first mini trip

Here I am at stealth parked Lowe's overnight , its about 4 am morning - 
I needed to start from Lowe's because my street is too narrow / tight 
and has too may cars to get the trailer out before everyone goes to work

Checking the lights before starting

Did I promise they would be too BRIGHT ?

Well you cant miss my break & blinker lights

The crack of dawn on the beach

Here is the side view of the stealth solar panels

The large tool box still allowed me to turn 90 deg turns

Decorations are slowly coming

Here i'm testing the first lights

Another view of the lights

Dusk has arrived and its looking even better
can you see the rats are out ?

 View from the front

View to the Surfing museum
 All those that walked by
received a candy handout - 
just for walking down the sidewalk
Many were really surprised and happy
with the unexpected free candy.

Some of the surfers said they say the lights way
out in the bay & followed them home,
besides I was parked where they
normally climb into the water

So ends the first 70 mile mini trip for the almost completed trailer


  1. Way cool! I like the trailer and the scenery! Looks like a good time! --- VanTrekker

  2. I missed something here and can't find it - what's the sheet material over your "stealth" solar panels and how is it held on? Glad you're getting out a bit with the trailer and having fun, by the way.


Please leave your thoughts, I am always looking for new ideas.